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What We Believe

St Mellons Baptist Church is an evangelical church.

That is, we base all that we believe on the Bible – as our statement of faith below says, it is our ‘infallible authority in all matters’. It is infallible (without error), and our authority (it directs all that we do) because it is God’s Word.

That means all of the members of the church know they were not born as Christians – the Bible teaches clearly that the opposite is true. At different times, and in different ways, each one of us was given faith to believe that Jesus had died to save us, and repentance to turn around a godless life, both as a free gift from God. Following this gift, we were baptised into the church as an expression of our new life and unity in Jesus Christ.

Statement of Faith

The Church’s formal statement of faith is a summary of the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith:

How we apply  our Faith

We aim to teach the Bible in a way that is applied, Biblical and contemporary:


Because we don’t just want to understand the Bible with our minds – it needs to change our hearts.


Because God’s Word is far more important than a man’s ideas.


Because although the Bible is an ancient book, it is God’s Word to us today.