Prayer Meetings
Prayer is one of the greatest privileges of being a Christian, and being part of a regular prayer meeting is one of the greatest privileges a church can offer.
Praying together allows us to pray for one another, and to seek God together for the needs of the fellowship, our community and the whole world.
Midweek Prayer Meeting & Bible Study
The main prayer meeting of the church takes place on Wednesday at 7:30pm. Our prayer-time is preceded by a Bible study, which different men in the congregation bring to us. On the first Wednesday of each month we meet in smaller house groups, rather than in the church building. The venues vary, so check the notice sheet for up-to-date information.
Tuesday Morning Prayer Meeting
There are a significant number of our church members who, for varying reasons, cannot attend the main prayer meeting but still have a desire to meet together to pray. The meeting starts at 11:30am and follows on from the Coffee Morning, lasting approximately 45 mins. We start with a Bible reading and short reflection on the passage before turning to prayer.
Sunday Morning Prayer Meeting
On Sunday mornings we meet at 10:00am for a short prayer meeting, specifically to pray for the day’s services. We meet in the back hall and are a small group, so if you’re not yet used to praying in a larger meeting you could find this meeting very helpful. We’d love to see you there.